Asphalt Sealcoating

Residential Sealcoating

Sealcoat is an asphalt emulsion based sealant. Once fully cured, sealcoat gives your asphalt that rich black coloring. Although the aesthetics of sealcoating are pleasant, sealcoat also serves important protective purposes:

-Protects your asphalt from corrosive items such as gas, car oil, ice salt, etc.

-Protects your asphalt from the Sun’s harmful UV rays, which breakdown the oils in the asphalt that keep the aggregate from unraveling.

-Keeps water from penetrating through the asphalt and eroding the sub-base.

Commercial Sealcoating

Sealcoat is an asphalt emulsion based sealant. Once fully cured, sealcoat gives your asphalt that rich black coloring. Although the aesthetics of sealcoating are pleasant, sealcoat also serves important protective purposes:

-Protects your asphalt from corrosive items such as gas, car oil, ice salt, etc.

-Protects your asphalt from the Sun’s harmful UV rays, which breakdown the oils in the asphalt that keep the aggregate from unraveling.

-Keeps water from penetrating through the asphalt and eroding the sub-base.